Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems



SSS is partner of the European FP7 Project EURETILE (EUropean REference TIled architecture Experiment), which has the goal to investigate and implement a brain-inspired massively parallel tiled computer architecture. The focus of SSS in EURETILE is the development of an efficient MPSoC simulation environment, which will be suitable for application development, software debugging and…

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Best Paper Award auf der SoC'09

The paper "A Checkpoint/Restore Framework for SystemC-Based Virtual Platforms"

(ISS/SSS in cooperation with CoWare) has been honoured with a Best Paper Award at SoC'09 in Tampere.

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Best Paper Award auf der DATE'09

The paper <link file:1217 red_bg>"Retargetable Code Optimization for Predicated Execution"
(ISS/SSS in cooperation with ACE and NXP) has been honoured with a <link file:1175 red_bg>Best Paper Award at DATE 2009 in Nice

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ISS participates actively in the European "NEWCOM++" (Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications) project, which has the goal to intensify collaboration between the leading European research institutions in the domain of wireless communications and to significantly advance European research in this area.

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ArtistDesign (Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design)

SSS is a member of ArtistDesign, whose major objective is to promote european research in the field of embedded system design and to push the developement of this new multidisciplinary field.

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HiPEAC2 (European Network of Excellence on High-Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation

SSS participates actively in HiPEAC2, which addresses the design and implementation of high-performance commodity computing devices. The objectives of HiPEAC2 are to ensure the visibility of European institutions in the high performance embedded market, and to promote the integration of research efforts in a common direction. <link file:1309 download>Press release

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Decisions in the excellence initiative program of the German government:

Great success for RWTH Aachen University

Three research cluster proposals of RWTH Aachen University will be funded under the excellence initiative. ISS has a leading role in the cluster "Ultra high-speed Mobile Information and Communication (UMIC)" (Coordinator: Prof. Ascheid). Further information under

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SSS is a participant of the research training group (Graduiertenkolleg) 1298 AlgoSyn.

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