Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems

Efficient OFDM transceiver implementation for SDR platforms


The goal is to optimize flexible OFDM transceiver algorithms for fast execution on SDR platforms. The tasks include implementation, unit testing and documentation of algorithms in C. The code will be tested on SDR hardware. Candidates are expected to have excellent programming skills.


We are looking in to guarantee the four security features (CIAA) mentioned above for a processor design. Some example tasks are as follows:

  • Researching state-of-the-art approaches
  • Developing software tools to generate abstract models of the processor
  • Researching vulnerabilities of processor architectures
  • Developing schemes to elaborate the processor of those vulnerabilities
  • Developing a software tool to identify vulnerabilities and quantify them


More Information can be found here: Project Harware Security - Secure processor design.


Sadaf Joodaki