Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems

On the Sensitivity of SMT Systems to Oscillator Phase Noise over Doubly-Selective Channels

Ishaque, A. ,  Ascheid, G.
Book Title:
Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
p.p. 545 - 550
New Orleans, LA USA
Mar. 2015
In this paper, we analyze the effects of oscillator phase noise and doubly-selective fading channel
on the performance of the staggered multitone (SMT) system. Unlike the more familiar discrete
multitone (DMT) systems, SMT is shown to be insensitive to self-interference effects due to
phase noise. The impeding channel and phase noise interference coefficients are defined and
theoretical expressions for the inter-carrier and inter-symbol interference are derived to establish
solid analytical basis. We demonstrate the resilience of SMT waveform to phase noise distortion and
channel fading effects in numerical experiments using appropriate models and the theoretical
considerations are shown to fit well with simulation findings. Our assessment indicates that SMT
system performs nearly as well as the classical DMT modulation for non-dispersive channels, while
it outperforms DMT system by 2 dB for the studied fading channel scenario and fixed equalization
complexity for both systems.

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