Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems

Physical Layer Security in the Last Mile Technology of Mobile Networks

Cepheli, ,  Lücken, V. ,  Karabulut Kurt, G. ,  Dartmann, G.Ascheid, G.
Protecting Mobile Networks and Devices: Challenges and Solutions (CRC Press-Taylor & Francis)
CRC Press-Taylor & Francis
Aug. 2015

ISBN: 9781498735834

Mobile networks have become very widely used in recent years, with expanding possibilities for usage ranging from personal life to business needs. This increased usage has brought more security problems and the importance of maintaining security has been also raised. Mobile networks consist of two main parts, including wired backhaul and wireless last mile. Wired backhaul is the part between base station and the core network. It is a highly reliable network with high data rates. Security in this part is very important. In its cable-based physical layer — the part where physical signals are carried — data is hard to acquire, as physical protection of cables and devices is possible. The last mile is the last part where the user is served. This link has to be wireless for the mobility of users. Wireless medium has an open nature, hence wireless links are more vulnerable to physical layer attacks compared to their wired counterparts. In this chapter, a general understanding will be given on why wireless technologies are often chosen as a last mile technology and why maintaining security is a challenge; moreover the current and future solutions to protect the wireless last mile from physical layer attacks will be explained.

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