Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems

Extraction of Recursion Level Parallelism for Embedded Multicore Systems

Aguilar, M. A.Leupers, R.Ascheid, G. ,  Eusse, J. F.
Book Title:
International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS)
Jul. 2017
Recursive programs that typically implement divide-and-conquer algorithms are well-suited for multicore systems, as they offer a high degree of parallelization potential. So far, existing parallelizing compilers have mainly focused on extracting other parallel patterns, such as data or pipeline level parallelism. In this paper, we propose a toolflow for the extraction of recursion level parallelism for embedded multicore systems. To achieve this, the toolflow verifies not only the mutual independence of recursive call-sites, but also selects an appropriate task granularity to ensure a good trade-off between load balancing and parallelization overhead. Profitable parallelization opportunities are implemented by using compiler directives from the OpenMP tasking model. Results show the effectiveness of our toolflow, as it is able to speedup sequential recursive programs between 2.5x and 3.8x on a quad-core platform

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