Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems

Component-based Waveform Development: the Nucleus Tool Flow for Efficient and Portable SDR

Castrillon, J. ,  Schürmans, S. ,  Stulova, A. ,  Sheng, W. ,  Kempf, T. ,  Ishaque, A. ,  Leupers, R.Ascheid, G.Meyr, H.
Book Title:
Proceedings of the SDR'10 Technical Conference and Product Exposition
Wireless Innovation Forum
p.p. 476--481
Washington D.C., USA
Dec. 2010
Component-based software engineering (CBSE) is an
attractive solution for describing baseband processing
applications. It abstracts waveforms in the traditional way
algorithm designers envision their applications and
guarantees a high degree of portability. However, existing
CBSE approaches for SDR have not been able to close the
gap between specification and implementation so as to
achieve the computational performance and the energy
efficiency of handcrafted solutions. Providing a
methodology that closes this gap in an efficient way has
been the focus of the Nucleus Concept as reported in
previous publications [1,2]. This paper presents a tool flow
that follows the Nucleus Concept, and thus allows for
efficient component-based SDR development. Additionally,
the tool flow is supported by a robust environment and
integrated with state-of-the-art tools for system level design.
The whole flow is demonstrated on the basis of a state-ofthe-
art MIMO OFDM receiver.